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An Iowa Family

Hi! I'm AnIowaMom and I'm a WAHM with 4 kids who I'll introduce to you in a minute.

I am very happily married to AnIowaDad and we moved to Iowa 8 years ago from Chicago. We both agreed that though we loved living in the big city, that maybe a smaller one would be better for us to raise a family. Not saying that Chicago (or any big city) isn't a wonderful place to raise children, as it is, but for US, a smaller city seemed more do-able.

The 4 kiddo's --

Sporty (age 8)
Peenee (age 5)
Princess (age 2)
Smilee (age 1)

The oldest IowaSon, Sporty, is 8 years old. He is a great kid, though has had his troubles. He was diagnosed 2 years ago with ADHD, which has been quite a challenge for us as a family. We have adjusted to his needs and developed a parenting style to compliment him and have to say that now it's not as big of an issue in our family as it was. Sporty LOVES sports. He plays any sport, any chance he gets, even if he's never played it before. His favorites are football and baseball. Reading and coloring are favorite indoor pastimes, not to mention video games.

Peenee, who is 5, came along 2 and a half years later. He the most loving child, always wanting hugs and kisses ... and Peanut Butter Sandwiches. LOL! He is his Sporty's shadow and they actually get along very well together. Peenee started kindergarten last year and now thinks he is "hot stuff" going into the 1st grade. The outdoors is the only place Peenee ever wants to be and when he's not playing baseball or football with Sporty and his IowaFriends, you'll find him swimming or riding his bike endlessly.

Princess, age 2, became a member of our growing family 3 years after Peenee did. She was the center of attention at all times being the baby and the only girl ... I must say, she pretty much demands the center of attention still today and "tries" to have everything HER way all the time. A little snotty at age 2, I'm hoping it's just a stage and not permanent behavior. Princess loves to ride her new Dora bike, swim in her pool, color, and watch "her shows" (Sprout Channel) on TV.

Smilee, the baby at 1 year old, has fit in seemlessly. She is walking all over and getting into EVERYTHING imaginable. She is the sweetest little girl and has only 2 downfalls. The first being she is a skreecher with a scream so high pitched I swear it shatters windows on the other side of the neighborhood and the other is she is a "diaper digger" when she has poop. She not only makes a mess, but also totally grosses her AnIowaMom out!

AnIowaMom started IowaMoms.com several years ago and never really did much with it. She is excited now to finally get the site going and hope you all will enjoy it and find it a fun place to visit and make new online friends in Iowa.


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As an American citizen I thank you, Eric M. Steffeney, for your courage and your sacrifice. I thank your family for all they have given for the cause of freedom. I will remember you, and I will teach my children to remember you. We are forever in your debt.