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Great Tip For Your Child's School Art Work - WFMW # 4

School is back in session for most of our kids and it's back to pulling several papers out of our child's backpack on a daily basis.

When Sporty started kindergarten, I was adamant about keeping and storing EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF ARTWORK OR SCHOOL WORK HE DID!!! Yes, call me crazy, I just couldn't bring myself to part with it. He put his whole heart into these masterpieces, how could I hang them on the refrigerator for a week and then throw them in the trash can? I couldn't. So I saved them. Each and every one.

Then 1st grade! No big deal. A new Rubbermaid storage container, or maybe two, and I was set. He'd bring them home, I'd display them proudly and then tuck them away in the bin marked "Sporty - 1st Grade".

Then Peenee started kindergarten. His papers were just as important ... so I started saving his from kindergarten, and Sporty's from 2nd grade. As you can imagine, I found myself with MANY Rubbermaid storage containers filled with papers. There were so many, I could never see anyone wanting to even sift through them those precious memories years from now. Then I had an idea ...

Scheduling a Sunday afternoon with Sporty, I asked to have him all to myself. He agreed, not knowing why. When we sat down that day, I pulled out the 5 bins full of his school work from kindergarten to the then present. We made 3 piles and sorted each piece of work into the pile we both agreed on:

  • # 1 - An absolute treasure - have to keep the original.
  • # 2 - Something We Like - but don't necessarily need to keep the original.
  • # 3 - Paper That He Did - but there is no reason at all to keep.

We take pile #3, as hard as it is, and throw it away into the recycle bin. We take pile #1 and store it back away into the storage container (should not even take up one container). Then, we take pile #2 and take digital pictures of each piece of work. We place the photos on a disk labeled, "Sporty's Kindergarten School Work". We then take pile #2 and place it with pile #3 in the recycle bin.

This system alleviates A LOT of paperwork, however, some of the things that are important to one of you, yet not important enough to have to keep the original, are stored on a disk for easy viewing and/or printing whenever you'd like.

This works for us ... and I hope it works for you all too! For more great tips, head on over to see Rocks In My Dryer!

Have a great WFMW!

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This is a TOTAL space saver for me also.. though I confess I doubt we've kept a single original.. BAD Mommy!

I love this idea! It does get to be soooo much paper after awhile- I love that the kids can participate in what to keep and what to throw!
Great idea!

good idea! my son is only 3 but i have a pile of easel painting adding up i will need to remember this so him and i can do it together when he is older and that pile has gotten way big....lol

Sounds like our system. I am so grateful for digital cameras!

THIS IS GREAT! I will pass this on to my sister-in-law! and use it when I get the chance!

I love it... I've been keeping everything, too, and after just three weeks with a Kindergartner, I can already tell I'm going to have to do something to avoid the big boxes full of school papers like my mom ended up with. When I got married, my mother (sweet thing that she is) passed down to me ALL the boxes with my school papers in them. Wasn't that nice? Yeah, I ended up tossing most of it. It just had no special place in my heart and I don't even remember doing most of it.

I have a lot of things preserved but for some of the larger things that I couldn't bring when I moved I took pictures. It was heartbreaking but when moving choices have to be made. Thanks!

This is a great idea. How many rubbermaids were you down to when you were through?

GREAT idea! I don't keep as much as some moms, but being a homeschooler and having six children, I'm drowning in paperwork. I'll try this out.

I've heard of the idea of digitally archiving childhood masterpieces and intend to do some of this when the time is right. I never thought of storing the really important ones in a plastic container. Great tip! I also plan to have some of Snuggle Bug's masterpieces framed and hung throughout our house. :)

Thanks for your comment on my WFMW creating blogging categories post.

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Fantastic idea!

Thanks for commenting on my WFMW - how to get your kids to buy into 30 Days of Nothing.

Home of Pass the Torch Tuesday

I love this idea! Thankfully I have a toddler so I can start this in advance. Thanks for sharing!

I did the same thing when my two started school. We decided to just keep a few originals (this was like 7 yrs ago)
I do scan the highly prized ones and then print them to make scrapbook pages.
Thanks for visiting my blog and have a happy Wed!

I am finding it hard to throw away papers, too, but I love organizing. Thanks for the tip!

Thanks for the tip! I will keep this in mind when my little embryo starts school! :)

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As an American citizen I thank you, Eric M. Steffeney, for your courage and your sacrifice. I thank your family for all they have given for the cause of freedom. I will remember you, and I will teach my children to remember you. We are forever in your debt.